Personal Flotation Devices (PFD's) legal requirement in North Carolina
Passengers under 13 years of age must wear a properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD while the vessel they are on is underway unless they are inside a fully enclosed cabin.
Boats in North Carolina must carry at least one US Coast Guard-approved wearable PFD per person onboard. PFD's should be readily available and of the correct size for each person aboard.
Personal Floatation Device in serviceable condition and of appropriate size should be accessible for each person onboard a vessel.
Anyone riding a personal watercraft or being towed by one must also wear a Coast Guard-approved life vest.

Sailboards, racing shells, rowing sculls and racing canoes and kayaks are exempt.
- Each vessel must have at least one Type I, II, or III U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) approved PFD of proper size, in serviceable condition, and readily accessible for each person on board and for anyone being towed.
- Boats 16 feet or more in length must carry at least one Type IV (throwable) USCG-approved PFD; canoes and kayaks are exempt from this requirement.