Towed Water Sports in North Carolina

Any person who is being towed behind a boat, in an activity such as water skiing, must wear a properly fitted USCG-approved Type I, II, III or V PFD.
If using a PWC to tow someone on water skis, a surfboard, or similar devices, in addition to the operator, there must be a competent observer on board or the PWC must be equipped with a wide-angle mirror to observe the skier being towed. The PWC must have a capacity rating at least equal to the number of people operating, observing, and being towed.
If using a vessel other than a PWC to tow someone on water skis, a surfboard, or similar devices, there must be a competent observer on board, or the vessel must be equipped with a wide-angle mirror to observe the skier being towed, or the person being towed is wearing a properly fitted USCG-approved PFD. The towing vessel must have room within the vessel’s maximum capacity, for anyone being towed behind the boat.
Towing people on water skis, surfboards, or similar devices is only permitted from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.