Boating Safety Course

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Boating license requirements in Pennsylvania

On any devices

All PWC operators regardless of age must complete a valid boating education course.

If operating a boat greater than 25hp, persons born  on or after Jan 1, 1982 must also complete a valid boating education course.

Pennsylvania boating laws & regulations

All boaters on Pennsylvania waters from November 1 through April 30 must wear a life jacket -- it’s the law! Each person in the boat must have a wearable, USCG-approved life jacket! It is highly advisable to wear life jackets at all times, especially in dangerous conditions.

Children 12 years of age and younger are required to wear a life jacket on any boat 20 feet or less in length.

It is illegal to operate a watercraft (including
canoes, kayaks, and personal watercraft) on all waters of Pennsylvania while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.

Those over the age of 21 with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher and minors with a BAC of 0.02 percent or higher, may be convicted of Boating Under the
Influence (“BUI”).

Also, an individual with a BAC lower than 0.08 percent may be convicted of BWI, provided that he/she is incapable of safely operating or being in actual physical control of the movement of the watercraft.

If you are arrested for operating a watercraft while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, you could face any or all of the following:

• fines between $300 and $10,000
• up to five years in jail
• suspension of boating privileges for one year

If you refuse to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test, the Fish and Boat Commission may suspend your boating privileges for up to 18 months.

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FAQ - Boating in Pennsylvania

Who is required to take the boating safety course in Pennsylvania?

Residents born after January 1, 1982 must complete a state approved boating safety course if they wish to operate a watercraft over 25 horsepower.

Who is exempt from the Pennsylvania boating license ?

The following persons are exempt from the
requirements of the boating safety course:

  •  A person who is a resident of another state and who is visiting this Pennsylvania for 60 days or less in a motorboat that is registered in another state if:

  1. The person was born before January 1, 1982;


  2. the person has been issued a license or boating safety education certificate in another State.

  • A person who is visiting Pennsylvania for 90 days or less in a motorboat from a country other than the United States.

  • A landowner or a member of the landowner's immediate family operating a motorboat on waters located wholly within property owned by the landowner where there is no publicly owned or publicly maintained access to those waters.

  • A person who operates a motorboat powered by an electric motor or by an internal combustion motor of 25 horsepower or less.

What are the age restrictions regarding boating safety in Pennsylvania?

Children 11 years old or younger are not legally allowed to operate a PWC or motorboat with greater than 25 hp under any conditions.

Do I need to register my boat in Pennsylvania?

Yes, in the state of Pennsylvania, every boat with a motor requires a title and registration with PA Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC).

Is my boating license good in other States?

Every U.S. state that demands a boating license will accept Boating Education Licenses from other states that conform to NASBLA requirements as well.

You should follow your safety course in the State where you are resident.

Are there other boating restrictions in Pennsylvania?

All boaters on Pennsylvania waters from November 1 through April 30 must wear a life jacket -- it’s the law! Each person in the boat must have a wearable, USCG-approved life jacket! It is highly advisable to wear life jackets at all times, especially in dangerous conditions.

Children 12 years of age and younger are required to wear a life jacket on any boat 20 feet or less in length.

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