North Carolina Boat Registration Requirements Where must a vessel's registration number and registration decals be displayed?
What boats must be registered in North Carolina?
- All motorized vessels used on public waters must be registered, including jet skis.
- All sailboats used on public waters must be registered if longer than 14 feet at the load waterline.
- All boats registered in another state that remains in North Carolina for over 90 consecutive days
- All boats documented by the US Coast Guard that remain in North Carolina for over 90 consecutive days

What boats are exempt from registration in North Carolina?
- Rowboats, canoes, kayaks, and rafts moved only by oars, paddles or the current;
- Vessels used only on private ponds;
- Vessels that are properly registered in another state and are operating on North Carolina waters for fewer than 90 days;
- Ship's lifeboats or dinghies, provided that they are used exclusively for emergency lifeboat purposes.
Registration can be for a period of one year or three years, as chosen by the operator. Registration and titling applications should be made to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) office through a Wildlife Service Agent.
The NCWRC must be notified in writing as soon as possible if the owner changes address, the boat is scrapped, or the boat is sold.
How to register a boat in North Carolina?
You’ll need to complete a VL-1 Form (Registration & Titling) to register your boat.
Once our application is approved, you’ll receive a Registration Number to identify your boat, a Registration Decal, and a Registration Card. Your registration will be good for one or three years, depending on the term you selected when applying. You’ll receive a Renewal Notification two months before your current registration expires, and you can renew your registration in person, by mail, or online
Once a vessel is registered the owner will receive a Certificate of Number that must be kept on board and readily available for inspection by a law enforcement officer whenever the vessel is in operation.
Registration Forms and Applications
How to Display Registration Number and Decals in North Carolina
How should vessel's registration number be displayed?
You must display your boat number in the following manner:
- Painted on or permanently attached to both side of the bow of the vessel;
- Positioned to ensure maximum visibility;
- Using BLOCK letters at least three inches high and of one solid color contrasting with the color of your boat;
- To read from left to right; letters and numbers must be separated by a space or a hyphen, for example, NC 1234 AB or NC-1234-AB
- No other numbers may be displayed
How should validation decal be displayed?
Affix decal to the starboard bow of the vessel within 6 inches of your North Carolina Registration Number. Place in position and press firmly to surface.

Documented Vessels
A documented vessel is one that is registered by the Federal Government through the U. S. Coast Guard, rather than titled and numbered by a state.
USCG-Documented vessels must also be registered with the state if operating on North Carolina waters for more than 90 consecutive days. Registration numbers must not be displayed, however, validation decals must be displayed on the forward half of both sides of the bow.