Virginia life jacket (PFD) requirements
Who is required to wear a USCG approved personal flotation device in Virginia?
According to Virginia boating laws, every vessel must carry one wearable USCG-approved PFD for each person on board. In ADDITION, at least 1 USCG approved Type IV (ring buoy or seat cushion) is required on all recreational boats 16 feet or greater except for:
- personal watercraft ;
- non-motorized canoes and kayaks 16’ in length or greater;
- racing shells, rowing sculls, racing canoes and racing kayaks;
- sail boards;
- vessels of the United States used by foreign competitors while practicing for or racing in competitions.

What age does a child have to wear a life jacket in Virginia?
Children 13 years old and younger must wear a USCG - approved life jacket at all times while underway on Federal Waters unless the child is below deck or inside the enclosed cabin of the boat.

PFD for a person being towed in Virginia
Anyone being towed behind a boat is required to wear a wearable PFD suitable for the intended activity or have an observer onboard other than the operator. Inflatable life jackets are prohibited from being used while skiing, riding on or operating a PWC, or by anyone younger than 16.

PFD for Personal Watercraft in Virginia
Each person onboard a personal watercraft (PWC) is required to wear a wearable PFD suitable for the intended activity.