Safe Speed while Boating in New Jersey

All vessels should be operated at a speed that allows time and distance to take necessary action to avoid a collision. The speed at which power vessels are operated must be adjusted to avoid damage or injury caused by the vessel’s wake.

Additionally, all power vessels shall proceed at slow speed when:

  • Within 200 feet of any marina, pier, dock, or wharf

  • Passing work barges or floats engaged in constructions

  • Passing through bridge openings of 400 feet or less

  • Passing through confined areas less than 200 feet in width

  • Passing emergency vessels

  • Passing vessels not under command

Slow speed is defined as the slowest speed at which it is still possible to maintain steering and headway in relation to the structure or vessel being passed.

Power vessels in “Slow Speed/No Wake” zones shall proceed at the minimum speed to maintain headway while producing the minimum wake possible.