Operating under the influence of drugs and alcohol in Nevada

In Nevada, it is unlawful to operate a vessel (including PWC) or use water skis, sailboard or a similar device while under the influence (OUI) of alcohol or another impairing substance.
Alcohol and drugs cause impaired judgement, blurred vision, poor coordination and slow reaction time. Alcohol contributes to about one third of all boating accidents.
Nevada law defines operating under the influence (OUI) as operating a vessel or manipulating water skis or a similar device while having a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or greater.
Anyone who operates on Nevada waters under the influence of alcohol or drugs may be subject to fines and/or possible jail time if convicted.
Anyone operating a boat on state waters has given consent (Implied Consent Law) to sobriety testing if requested by a law enforcement official. Refusal is a violation of the law and may result in arrest and penalties.