Unlawful operation of a vessel in Nevada

Failure to Follow the Navigational Rules is operating a vessel on Nevada waters in violation of navigational rules.
Operators must navigate in a reasonable and prudent manner at all times, this includes maintaining a proper lookout, obeying all speed limitations, and being able to stop in the assured clear distance ahead.
Operating a vessel in a manner that unnecessarily endangers another person or the property of another is considered reckless operation and is prohibited, including reckless manipulation of water skis, surfboard or similar device.
Examples of reckless operation include:
Operating at speeds that do not allow the operator to stop the vessel in the assured clear distance ahead.
Exceeding any marked speed limitations.
Operating in a swimming area within 100 feet of a person swimming
Operating within 100 feet of a person being towed by another vessel.
Operating within 200 feet of a beach used by swimmers, a swimming float, diving platform or lifeline, or a landing float with a vessel secured to it or that is being used to load or unload a vessel’s passengers.
Operating a vessel within any marked exclusion area such as a swimming area or any other area marked by signs or buoys.
Operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs (OUI) including a powerboat, sailboat, PWC, water skis, sailboard, or any other similar devices is strictly prohibited. Alcohol and drugs cause impaired balance and judgement, blurred vision, poor coordination, and slows reaction time. Alcohol is responsible for one third of all boating accidents!
Riding on a place where there is a danger of falling overboard, such as the bow, gunwales, transom or swim platform while underway, at a speed greater than no wake speed.
Jumping the wake of another vessel too close to that vessel.
Operating a vessel in an unsafe condition, including if the vessel is not carrying sufficient safety equipment.
Operating in a way to cause a collision.
Maneuvering a towed skier or towed device such that the tow rope passes over another vessel or its skier.
Operating a vessel or manipulating water skis, a surfboard or similar device so as to pass between a vessel and its tow.
Chasing, harassing or disturbing wildlife with your vessel.
Loading the vessel beyond the recommended capacity which is shown on the capacity plate installed on the vessel by its manufacturer.
Operating in such a way as to interfere with safe navigation of the vessel and cause danger unnecessarily to the occupants as well as to other vessels on the waterways is prohibited. Peace officers are empowered to instruct the operator to take immediate corrective action or return to the nearest safe mooring.