Registration and Titling in Nevada
To operate any motorized vessel (whether or not the motor is the primary source of propulsion) on Nevada waters it must be titled and registered with the Nevada Department of Wildlife and display valid registration decals. Boat registrations are valid until December 31st of the year it was issued, unless it is renewed.

Vessels exempt from registration:
Human-powered vessels such as canoes, kayaks and rowboats
Vessels that are properly registered in another state and are using Nevada waters for 90 days or less
Federally documented vessels
Ship’s lifeboats
Registration applications must be made to the Nevada Department of Wildlife. Once a vessel is registered the owner will receive a registration card that must be kept on board and readily available for inspection by a law enforcement officer whenever the vessel is in operation.
The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) must be notified within 10 days if the boat is sold, destroyed, or stolen, or if the owner changes address.

You must display your boat number in the following manner:
Painted on or otherwise permanently attached to each side of the bow;
Using BLOCK letters at least three inches high and of one solid color contrasting sharply with the color of your boat;
To read from left to right; letters and numbers must be separated by a hyphen or space for example, Nev-1234-AA or Nev 1234 AA
No other numbers may be displayed
Every vessel that requires registration must display registration decals, including personal watercraft, as proof of registration. You must display your decals as follows:
On both sides of the boat
Within three inches of the registration number
Only display current decals.
Larger recreational vessels may be documented with the US Coast Guard. USGC-documented vessels principally used in Nevada are exempt from the vessel numbering requirements but must display documented use decals and are subject to Nevada vessel excise tax. For more information: contact the USCG Documentation Center at 1-800-799-8362.