Personal Flotation Device - Nevada
Vessels (both motorized and non-motorized) may only be operated in or on Nevada state waters if the vessel is carrying at least one US Coast Guard-approved wearable personal flotation device (PFD) in good condition that is readily accessible, approved for the appropriate activity, and of the correct size for every person onboard. It must also be legibly marked with the USCG-approval number.

All vessels must have at least one wearable Type I, II, or III U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) approved PFD of proper size, in serviceable condition, and readily accessible for each person on board and for anyone being towed
Vessels 16 feet or more in length, (except canoes and kayaks enclosed by a deck and spray skirt), must also carry at least one Type IV (throwable) USCG-approved PFD
Type V PFD’s (inflatables) only count towards the minimum carriage requirements when worn and used according to the conditions on the label. They may be substituted for any other type if specifically approved by the USCG for the activity at hand. They MUST be worn while the vessel is underway, except when the wearer is in an enclosed area.
Inflatable PFD’s are not approved for use by persons under 16 years of age.
Anyone operating or riding on a personal watercraft (PWC), and anyone being towed on water skis or a similar device must wear a properly fitted USCG-approved PFD. Inflatable PFD’s are not approved for these persons.
Each person being towed behind a vessel on water skis or any other similar device must wear a PFD or buoyant belt.
Note: buoyant belts are not approved by the USCG.
Children under 13 years of age must wear a properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFD while the vessel is underway, unless the child is below deck or in an enclosed area.