Mufflers and Noise Levels in Maryland

Power vessels manufactured after January 1990 must be equipped with a functioning and effective muffler system in order to reduce the engine exhaust sound level. Muffler cutouts are prohibited.

Vessels must not emit a noise level exceeding 90 dB on Maryland waters.

Mufflers and Noise Levels in Maryland

Sound Signaling Devices in Maryland

Vessels less than 12 meters in length, including PWC, must carry a whistle, a horn or some means to make an efficient sound signal to indicate your position and intensions during periods of reduces visibility.

Vessels that are at least 12 meters in length must carry a whistle or horn, and a bell.

Sound Signaling Devices in Maryland

Backfire Flame Arrestor in Maryland

Gasoline engines installed in a vessel after April 25, 1940, except outboard motors, must be equipped with a working backfire flame control system.

Backfire Flame Arrestor in Maryland