How do I transfer ownership of a used boat in Florida?
You will need to follow these steps:
Obtain Necessary Documents:
- Original title or proof of ownership (if available)
- Bill of sale
- Florida Application for Certificate of Title with/without Registration (Form HSMV 82040)
- Florida Vessel Registration Application (Form HSMV 87244)
- Proof of identification (driver's license or other government-issued ID)
Complete the Bill of Sale:
- Include details such as the seller's and buyer's names, addresses, signatures, and the boat's details (make, model, year, HIN - Hull Identification Number, etc.).
- Make sure the bill of sale is signed by both parties.
Check for Liens:
- Ensure there are no outstanding liens or loans against the boat. This can be done by requesting a lien release from the seller.
Complete Form HSMV 82040 (Application for Certificate of Title):
- This form is used for transferring the title of the boat. Both the seller and buyer need to fill out their respective sections.
Complete Form HSMV 87244 (Vessel Registration Application):
- This form is required to register the boat in your name. Fill out all required sections.
Visit a County Tax Collector's Office or License Plate Agency:
- Bring all necessary documents (original title, bill of sale, completed forms, proof of identification, etc.) to your local tax collector's office or license plate agency.
- Pay any applicable sales tax, title fees, and registration fees.
Receive Title and Registration:
- After processing your application, you will receive a new title in your name and registration for the boat.
Display Registration Decal and Numbers:
- Affix the registration decal and numbers to the boat as required by Florida law.