You will need to follow these steps:

    1. Obtain Necessary Documents:

    2. Complete the Bill of Sale:

      • Include details such as the seller's and buyer's names, addresses, signatures, and the boat's details (make, model, year, HIN - Hull Identification Number, etc.).
      • Make sure the bill of sale is signed by both parties.
    3. Check for Liens:

      • Ensure there are no outstanding liens or loans against the boat. This can be done by requesting a lien release from the seller.
    4. Complete Form HSMV 82040 (Application for Certificate of Title):

      • This form is used for transferring the title of the boat. Both the seller and buyer need to fill out their respective sections.
    5. Complete Form HSMV 87244 (Vessel Registration Application):

      • This form is required to register the boat in your name. Fill out all required sections.
    6. Visit a County Tax Collector's Office or License Plate Agency:

      • Bring all necessary documents (original title, bill of sale, completed forms, proof of identification, etc.) to your local tax collector's office or license plate agency.
      • Pay any applicable sales tax, title fees, and registration fees.
    7. Receive Title and Registration:

      • After processing your application, you will receive a new title in your name and registration for the boat.
    8. Display Registration Decal and Numbers:

How do I transfer ownership of a used boat in Florida?