Diving Regulations in Nevada

Persons engaging in snorkeling, skin diving or scuba diving in Nevada must display a “divers down” flag to mark their diving area. Vessels not engaged in diving operations must remain at least 100 feet from the “diver down” flag, except in the case of an emergency. Vessels not engaged in diving operations must reduce speed to no wake speed if within a distance of 100 to 200 feet of the flag, except in the case of an emergency.
The “diver down” flags are:
A rectangular red flag, at least 12” by 12”, with a white diagonal strip (at least 1/5th the width of the flag). The flag may be attached to a vessel, float or buoy and must have a light attached if used between sunset and sunrise.
A blue and white International Code Flag A (or Alpha Flag) usually flown from a vessel.