Boating accidents and casualties in Oklahoma

In the case of an accident, it is the vessel operator’s duty to immediately stop their vessel and give assistance to anyone injured or in danger due to the accident, unless doing so would seriously endanger the operator’s vessel or passengers.
The vessel’s operator must supply in writing, his/her name, address, and vessel information (including the name and address of the vessel’s owner, if not the operator) to anyone injured in the accident as well as to the owner of any property damaged in the accident.
It is the duty of the owner or operator of any vessel involved in a boating accident to file a full written report with the Oklahoma Highway Patrol Marine Enforcement Division as soon as possible if the accident results in:
- The death or disappearance of a person, or
- Personal injury that requires medical treatment beyond first aid, or
- Property damage (including damage to vessels) to the value of $2000 or more.