Boating license requirements in Montana

The state of Montana requires motorized boat and PWC operators who are 13 or 14 years old to pass a NASBLA approved boating safety course.
Montana boating laws & regulations
PFD requirements in Montana:
All recreational vessels must carry one wearable life jacket for each person on Board.
U.S. Coast Guard approved life jackets must fit the intended wearer, be readily accessible, and be in good condition.
Children under 12 years of age must wear a life jacket in a boat less than 26 feet in length that is in motion.
All vessels 16 feet in length and over must have one U.S. Coast Guard approved throwable personal flotation device that is immediately available for use.
A specialty/inflatable life jacket may be used in place of any life jacket if specifically approved by the U.S. Coast Guard for the activity in which the wearer is engaged.
The inflatable life jacket must be worn at all times to be acceptable. You must be 16 to wear an inflatable life jacket.
Personal floatation devices are required to be
securely worn when operating a sailboard if: the person operating the sailboard is 14 years of age or younger;
or two or more people are occupying the sailboard.
Montana BUI:
It is unlawful to operate or be in actual physical control of a motorboat, PWC, sailboat, water skis, surfboard, or similar device while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
FAQ - Boating in Montana
- Who is required to take the boating safety course in Montana?
The state of Montana requires motorized boat and PWC operators who are 13 or 14 years old to pass a NASBLA approved boating safety course.
- Who is exempt from needing the Montana boating license ?
Operators over the age of 14 years old are not required to take the boating safety course.
Non-residents who posses a valid NASBLA approved certificate are also exempt.
- What are the age restrictions regarding boating safety in Nebraska?
Children 12 years or younger may not operate a motorboat or a personal watercraft powered by a motor rated at more than 10 horsepower unless accompanied by someone 18 years of age or older.
Anyone 13 and 14 years old may operate a motorboat or a personal watercraft powered by a motor rated at more than 10 horsepower only if:
they possess a valid Montana motorboat operator's safety certificate;
they show evidence of completing another state or organization's NASBLA approved boating safety course; or
they are accompanied by someone 18 years of age or older.
- Do I need to register my boat in Montana?
Sailboats 12 feet and longer and all motorboats and personal watercraft must be registered, numbered, and have two decals (a permanent decal and validation decal).
Non-motorized sailboats less than 12 feet long and manually propelled boats, regardless of length, are exempt from registration and taxation.
Also exempt are a vessel’s lifeboat and government-owned boats.
- Is my boating license good in other States?
Every U.S. state that demands a boating license will accept Boating Education Licenses from other states that conform to NASBLA requirements as well.
You should follow your safety course in the State where you are resident.