Boating education safety requirements Iowa

The State of Iowa requires mandatory boater education for any person 12-17 years old, who wish to operate a motorboat over 10hp or a personal watercraft (PWC).
Become a safe boater
The purpose of boating safety course is to develop knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary to become safe, responsible boaters.
FAQ - Boating in Iowa
- Who is required to take the boating safety course in Iowa?
The State of Iowa requires mandatory boater education for any person 12-17 years old, who wish to operate a motorboat over 10hp or a personal watercraft (PWC).
- Who is exempt from the Iowa boating license ?
Operators over the age of 17 are exempt, and non residents who have successfully completed a NASBLA approved boating course from their home state are also exempt.
- What are the age restrictions regarding boating safety in Iowa?
The minimum age to operate a vessel over 10hp in the state of Iowa is 12 years. The operator must posses a valid state approved boating education certificate.
Operators of a PWC under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult.
- Do I need to register my boat in Iowa?
Yes, boat owners must register their vessel with the Department of Natural Resources. Vessels registered in Iowa, must display their current registration decals and the Iowa issued registration numbers provided by the County Recorder. In addition, the operator must carry the registration certificate on board.
- Is my boating license good in other States?
Every U.S. state that demands a boating license will accept Boating Education Licenses from other states that conform to NASBLA requirements as well.
You should follow your safety course in the State where you are resident.