How do I transfer ownership of a boat in Canada? Buying or Selling
If I buy a used boat, how do I transfer the pleasure Craft License?
To transfer a licence to your name, submit the following documents:
A completed Form 84-0172E, Application for Pleasure Craft Licence;
- The proof of ownership or bill of sale document
A copy of a signed valid piece of government-issued identification from each owner whose name is to appear on the pleasure craft licence
A current full side-view colour photograph of the pleasure craft
A " Third Party Authorization Letter" if applicable (cases where someone other than the owner(s) is submitting on behalf of the owner(s)).

If you do not have documents that prove you own the pleasure craft, you will be required to make a declaration under oath stating why you cannot produce the bill of sale or proof of ownership. You can use the sample declaration form provided on the website of Transport Canada.
When applying for a pleasure craft licence (that you'll display on the hull, above the waterline, on both sides of the bow), include a signed photocopy of your personal identification document. We will return the photocopy to you when we send you your licence. Your application and supporting documents must be mailed-in for processing to the Pleasure Craft Licensing Centre.
I am selling my used pleasure craft, how do I transfer the Pleasure Craft License?
When you sell your pleasure craft, keep a copy of your bill of sale in case someone later questions the ownership of the vessel. Provide the new owner with a signed bill of sale. The new owner will then have to transfer the pleasure craft licence by sending an application form and the necessary documents by mail to the Pleasure Craft Licensing Centre. A pleasure craft that is the subject of a transfer of ownership may be operated until the day on which the new owner of the pleasure craft receives a transferred licence, up to a maximum of 90 days from the day of the transfer of ownership, if documents are carried on board confirming the name and address of the new owner and the date of the transfer of ownership.

Did you know, in Canada you are required to have a boating license to operate a boat with a motor? Try our online boating course for free, and obtain your Canadian boating license today!
For more information on the Pleasure Craft Licence, please call Transport Canada at 1-800-267-6687
These rules apply to: Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island and North West Territories.