Where can I get Marine Nautical Charts? Order a Marine Chart

There are over 946 charts covering all three of Canada's coastlines plus major inland waterways. CHS does not sell charts directly to the public but over 800 dealers across Canada and around the world distribute them. You can use this site to find the chart you need and the dealer nearest you. Charts aren't free.
To order a marine chart
Order a chart catalogue
You can also order a chart catalogue by contacting CHS at (613) 998-4931. Chart catalogues are also available free of charge from most dealers.
Report Chart Discrepancies
CHS relies on mariners to notify when dangers to navigation are discovered, or corrections to charts and publications seem necessary. It's important to provide them with as much information as possible so they can make the changes and ensure safe navigation for all.
Please email them at: chsinfo@dfo-mpo.gc.ca