Any pleasure craft that is equipped, even temporarily, with one or more engines whose total power is at least 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more in Canada, must have a Pleasure Craft Licence before it can be operated unless it is registered in the Canadian Register of Vessels.

A pleasure craft licence is a document with a unique number displayed on both sides of the bow of a pleasure craft. The pleasure craft licence is like a licence plate on your car. This number allows police and search and rescue personnel to access important information in an emergency.

Transfer ownership of a boat

If you bought or built a new pleasure craft, you will need a new pleasure craft licence. If the pleasure craft is coming from another country to be used mostly in Canada, you will need a new Canadian pleasure craft licence or registration.

To transfer a licence to your name, submit the following documents:

Did you know, in Canada you are required to have a boating license to operate a boat with a motor? Try our online boating course for free, and obtain your Ontario boating license today!

For more information on the Pleasure Craft Licence, please call Transport Canada at 1-800-267-6687

These rules apply to: Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island and North West Territories.