NATO Phonetic Alphabet (Alpha - Bravo - Charlie)
NATO Phonetic alphabet from A to Z?
The (International) Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet, is the most widely used set of code words for communicating our spelling alphabet.
To establish the code, various international agencies strategically assigned 26 code words to each letter of the Roman alphabet, ensuring clear distinction between letters and numbers during communication over radio and telephone.

A: Alpha
B: Bravo
C: Charlie
D: Delta
E: Echo
F: Foxtrot
G: Golf
H: Hotel
I: India
J: Juliet
K: Kilo
L: Lima
M: Mike
N: November
O: Oscar
P: Papa
Q: Quebec
R: Romeo
S: Sierra
T : Tango
U: Uniform
V: Victor
W: Whiskey
X: X-Ray
Y: Yankee
Z: Zulu
The NATO phonetic alphabet is frequently used in boat-to-boat communications through VHF radio, helping to avoid misunderstandings when relaying essential information to search and rescue teams during emergencies.